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FAQ For Woocommerce provides you shortcode support. You may want to use any product FAQ list on any page on your website. Shortcode feature will help you. You just have to call the shortcode inside your content and it will bring the expected result to display the FAQ list. Following are the shortcodes and their uses instruction.

Display all FAQs for a random product having FAQs with default template:


Display all FAQs for a specific product:

[Note: Here we used 20 as product id]

[ffw_template id=20]

Display all FAQs for a specific product with a specific template by this Easy Accordion FAQ plugin:

  • For Classic Template – 1
  • For Whitish Template – 2
  • For Trip Template – 3
  • For Pop Template – 4
[ffw_template template=1 id=20]

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